- Actor
: - Ryo Yoshizawa,Yuko Araki,Yosuke Sugino,Rio Uchida
- Description
: - When they were kids, Yori (Yoshizawa Ryo), Shizuku (Araki Yuko) and Subaru (Sugino Yosuke) vowed to become big stars together. Afterwards, Yori moved away and forgot his dreams. However, the plain and quiet teen learns that unlike him, Shizuku has become a popular model and Subaru, an actor. Yori decides to transfer to the same Tokyo high school as Shizuku, and the childhood friends meet up again. While helping out Shizuku for an ad shoot one day, Yori unexpectedly becomes a substitute for Subaru, who is unable to make it. Yori's appearance in the ad generates a lot of buzz, opening his door into the showbiz world and further complicating the relationship of the three friends.
- Director
: - Ryo Miyawaki
- Movie
: - Anoko no Toriko
- Class
: - IIA
- Country/Region
: - Japan
- Duration
: - 1hr39min
- Year
: - 2018
- Rating
: - 3.7
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