- Actor
: - Leslie Cheung,Gong Li, Zhang,Fengyi
- Description
: - In 1924, young Cheng Dieyi (Leslie Cheung) begins training at the Beijing Opera House at the same time as Duan Xiaolou (Fengyi Zhang). Cheng specializes in playing female parts, often against Duan s commanding male leads. While pretending to be in love with Duan onstage, Cheng begins to develop actual romantic feelings for his co-star, which are not reciprocated. Over the next 50 years, the two men maintain a complicated friendship as China undergoes turbulent changes.
- Director
: - Kaige Chen
- Movie
: - Farewell My Concubine
- Class
: - IIB
- Country/Region
: - Hong Kong
- Duration
: - 2hr51min
- Year
: - 1993
- Rating
: - 0.0
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