- Actor
: - Masi Oka, Nate Torrence
- Description
: - Heroes star Masi Oka and Nate Torrence headline a screwball spy storythat parallels the adventures of Maxwell Smart and Agent 99 in GetSmart.Nate and Lloyd are out of the lab and way out of their comfortzones as they scramble to find a nifty new invention -- an invisibilitycloak -- they've somehow lost before KAOS can get their hands on it. Ofcourse, the whole invisibility thing complicates matters, and learningon the fly how to be a spy is a big-time challenge for these two heroes!
- Director
: - Gil Junger
- Movie
: - Get Smart's Bruce and Lloyd Out of Control
- Class
: - IIA
- Country/Region
: - US
- Duration
: - 1hr11min
- Year
: - 2008
- Rating
: - 3.5
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