- Actor
: - Clint Eastwood,Patricia Clarkson,Liam Neeson,Evan Kim,Jim Carrey
- Description
: - In the fifth installment of the Dirty Harry series, gritty cop Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) is fresh off the conviction of a major mob boss. When horror film director Peter Swan (Liam Neeson) develops a "dead pool" betting on celebrity deaths, he is shocked when a serial killer begins targeting those named, including TV reporter Samantha Walker (Patricia Clarkson) and Callahan himself. Action and violence abound as Callahan tracks the killer in an attempt to stop the murders.
- Director
: - Buddy Van Horn
- Movie
: - The Dead Pool
- Class
: - III
- Country/Region
: - US
- Duration
: - 1hr31min
- Year
: - 1988
- Rating
: - 4.0
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