- Actor
: - Eli Roth
- Description
: - Chile has it all: gorgeous landscapes, smokin’ hot women, cool dudes, great wine, and the wildest parties. For a hapless American tourist, nicknamed Gringo (Eli Roth) by his two Chilean pals Ariel and Pollo, the trip has been heaven on earth — except that he just can’t hook up with the ladies. Gringo’s luck seems to change when the group meets a trio of babes — Russian model Irina, non-stop party girl Kylie and her serious sister Monica — who agree to accompany them on a trip to the coastal town of Valparaíso. The new friends are having the best of times whooping it up in a dance club, until a violent earthquake brings the entire city down around them. With this one-time paradise now a landscape of death and destruction that’s seething with terror and panic, our unlucky heroes must run for their lives from looters, escaped convicts, and the inevitable aftershocks.
- Director
: - Nicolás López
- Movie
: - HD Aftershock
- Class
: - III
- Country/Region
: - Hong Kong
- Duration
: - 1hr29min
- Year
: - 2012
- Rating
: - 3.6
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