- Actor
: - Miriam Yeung ChinWah,Richie Ren
- Description
: - "2 BECOME 1" is a woman's odyssey of her fight with breast cancer. The story centers on a regular white-collar woman named BING (Miriam Yeung), who leads a carefree city life that includes guarding her turf in the office and dating and gossiping with her three girlfriends. However, her carefree life soon turns upside down when she found a lump in her breast. Everything begins to fall apart as she tries to cope with the loss of femininity in a series of bittersweet events. With the help of a happy-go-lucky doctor V(Richie Jen and a shy but talented teenager Sing (Justin Lo). Bing begins to find new meanings in her turmoil and the will to face her own demons.
- Director
: - Law Wing Cheong
- Movie
: - 2 Become 1
- Class
: - IIA
- Country/Region
: - Hong Kong
- Duration
: - 1hr37min
- Year
: - 2006
- Rating
: - 4.1
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