- Actor
: - Jacky Cheung,Anita Mui,Karena Lam,Shaun Tam
- Description
: - Lam Yiu-Kwok is a high school teacher, having a perfect family. Good times don't last long, when a student, Choi-nam, falls in love with him. For dealing with a relationship with Mr. Seng, a beloved teacher of the couple, his wife Man-ching requests a leave for a month. A midlife crisis mixing with pressure sends him into an emotional tailspin. Everything seems to lead him towards Choi-nam, the forbidden fruit. Will history repeat itself?
- Director
: - Hui On-Wah,Ann
- Movie
: - July Rhapsody
- Class
: - IIA
- Country/Region
: - Hong Kong
- Duration
: - 1hr43min
- Year
: - 2002
- Rating
: - 4.2
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